A Sound Healing Workshop – Friday September 23

Friday, September 23, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Cost – $40

Experience the joy, peace, fun, healing, transformation, and expanded consciousness of Sound Healing, learn about it, and how to use it for yourself and others.

Possible Topics Include

  • how and why sound healing works
  • voice and toning in healing
  • use and experience of singing bowls, rattles, drums, chimes
  • fundamental principles of Sound Healing in self healing, and healing of others
  • how to facilitate a Sound Healing Circle
  • and much more!

I will facilitate Sound Healing experiences, and participants will have many opportunities to share Sound Healing experiences with each other and the group as a whole. This is a highly experiential workshop.

* If you take any six of these, you will receive enough experience and knowledge to qualify for your Sound Healing Certification. Any of these can be thoroughly enjoyed standalone, as well.

*Feel free to bring a yoga mat or any favorite instruments to share.

Please contact Karuna Joy (703) 472-3481 or email karunajoy1@gmail.com.
* Please feel free to pay by PayPal, if possible.

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