What if

We knew the pain we create by
Believing we are
A separate self

Do we see our competitive way,
Needing to be the winner
That the needing to always

Be right, causes pain
That indeed, there is
No right or wrong

That life is seen in infinite ways,
Endless perspectives
What a relief to simply let go

Of anger about the small things
In our life, on our planet,
Of judging ourselves better or worst

Than the others
Aren’t we all amazing, with
A rainbow of gifts and qualities

Can we drop the insatiable need
To do more, have more, grasp more,
Be more,

That blocks peace and abundance
Now, we open to the flow
Of infinite abundance

As we generously offer with no
Expectation of reward
Can we finally remember it is

Always that which is beyond us
That creates, achieves, connects
Letting go of all personal identification

As one who achieves, judges others, succeeds
Simply detaching from outcome
Totally present, engaged in life

Grateful the freer higher aspect
Of who we are is in play
Creating through us

Allowing our souls mission
To actively unfold before us
With ease and grace


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